Friday, May 17, 2019

Stactirrm Radioo

The radio art collaboration between W.A.Davison of The Recordists and Matt Waldron, a.k.a. irr. app. (ext.), is currently on its fifth of 12 monthly episodes. The project consists of 12 30-minute programs with each program collecting 15 random 1-minute clips from the irr. app. (ext.) archive and 15 random 1-minute clips from the archives of The Recordists. Listen here.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Black Unicorn

On Mar. 30th, 2019, Sylwia Chrostowska, William A. Davison, Joёl Gayraud, Sherri Lyn Higgins, and Vittoria Lion, met again for discussion and collective writing. Heavy on the discussion, light on the writing, actually, but two rounds of "Definitions" were played -

Beaver - noun. a teacup once stood on the hindmost head of it; sleeps on its side; also known as the wignig.

The Black Unicorn - the glove used to handle excess ectoplasm spewed from the nostrils of twenty-five-year-old female mediums in specialized university slime farming facilities.

Curvature - a dam which breaks at midnight.

Feather - the dissent of the snakes when the winter comes back.

Horn - the beginning of a horrifying story.

House plant - (archaic) an eerie cry reported by miners who took a wrong turn supposed to be issued by abandoned mineshafts.

Inflatable - a window or point of egress.

Necrophilia - the foundation of the matter.

Palace - the rare and unique kind of lion that has a trunk.

Rabies - a perplexing moment at the bottom of a lake.

The Ice Fields

On Feb. 2, 2019, Sylwia Chrostowska, William A. Davison, Joёl Gayraud, Sherri Lyn Higgins, and Vittoria Lion met at the home of The Recordists (Davison/Higgins) for discussion, games and collective art-making. Here are some of the results of that meeting: