Collective drawings from The Ossington Drawing Party held at The Ossington, Toronto, May 18, 2009. Participants: W.A.Davison, Mark Connery, Brian Demoskoff.
Our monthly drawing party is set to take place at The Ossington this coming Monday. Bring your favorite mark-making devices, paper, positive vibes, etc.
Monday, May 18, 2009, 9pm - 12am (or later) The Ossington 61 Ossington Ave., Toronto
Collective drawings from impromptu drawing session at The Ossington, Toronto, May 3, 2009. Participants: Dahye Kim, S.Higgins, Kerry Wright Zentner, W.A.Davison, Brian Demoskoff.
S.Higgins and I will be at The Ossington (61 Ossington Ave., Toronto) tonight around 10pm. Our friends Robert and Kevin are DJing so it's a good night to just hang out, relax, chat with whoever might be there, etc. It's not our official drawing night (so we won't be able to take over the back room) but we will likely do some collective drawing and maybe some writing too. Maybe we'll see you there!